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Introduction to Special Olympics for Young Athletes


This program introduces the young athletes in our community with intellectual or developmental disabilities to be active, have fun, learn foundational sports and introduce competition. It is for children 3 years old to 10 years old.

What Are The Goals?

  • Engage children with intellectual disabilities through developmentally appropriate play activities designed to foster physical, cognitive and social development

  • Welcome family members of children with intellectual disabilities to the Special Olympics network of supports

  • Raise awareness about the abilities of children with intellectual disabilities through inclusive peer participation, demonstration and other events

   Summer Session
  • Week 1: Functional Skills, Introduction to Teammates, Flag Football

  • Week 2: Functional Skills, Endurance, Soccer

  • Week 3: Functional Skills, Endurance, Track and Field


   Fall Session


  • Week 1: Functional Skills, Introduction to Teammates, Track and Field

  • Week 2: Functional Skills, Endurance, Basketball and Bowling

  • Week 3: Functional Skills, Endurance, Soccer

  • Week 4: Opening Ceremonies, Demonstration of Skills, Awards



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