The Athlete Registration, Athlete Release, and Medical Form must be completed before an athlete is able to participate in Special Olympics North Dakota (SOND). A new medical form is required to be submitted every three (3) years to SOND. The registration, release and first two pages of the athlete medical form can be completed by the parent, guardian or agency. Page 3 of the medical form needs to be completed and signed by a licensed medical professional. Page 4 does not need to be completed unless athlete is referred to a specialist.
Athlete and Partner Sports Registration Form - This form is a local form and is to be completed before each sport.
The COVID Code of Conduct and COVID Waiver need to be filled out once
*Athletes with a driver's license are NOT permitted to drive themselves to any tournaments where transportation is provided by SOND. This release form applies only to athletes riding with parents or other family members and/or athletes driving separately with staff members/group homes.
Please email forms to the Area Director at or mail them to P.O. Box 308, Fargo, ND 58107.